Market Wisdom. Trader or Investor 2 ... How to find out...
How do I know if I am a trader or an investor ? Well it is almost a wrong question. The right way to ask the question is how to identify if the decision to buy (or sell) a stock is an investment decision or a trading decision ? Will the duration of holding determine if it was an investment or a trade ? Answer is No, there can be trades which last for weeks and months even years together. And there can be investments that are squared off within days or weeks even. Though, generally shorter horizon of holding is perceived as trading and longer format is perceived as investment. Will the tax liability determine if it was an investment or a trade ? Maybe the regulation may have some definitions to classify for tax purposes. However, tax kicks in after the exit from the position and not prior to it. Even then, taxation is not the right basis to classify an action as investment or trade. Will the instrument determine if it was an investment or a trade ? To some extent, the ins...