Stocks: A ticket to Financial Freedom. Are you ready ?

Stock Market: A misunderstood market.

Stock Market Investments used to be like buying a lottery ticket. Your profits would be determined by who you know and which "tip" you acted on. A few scams later, with the technology aided transaparency, stricter monitoring and better laws Stock Market investing is now a more systematic way to grow your money. 

Stock Market Investing is becoming an Popular Profession

It is indeed a trend world over that more and more people are moving to Stock market trading and investing on a full time basis.

And here is why :

  • Low Cost
    • Aided by technology, the set up costs are affordable and all one needs is a laptop (or desktop) with a desk.
    • You can start with any amount of capital and then grow it from there. 
  • Flexibility
    • You can work from anywhere ... from home, from a co-working space or your own private office
    • You can be at it full time, part time or during weekends or after office hours. Yes you can do even duing the commute to your office. 
  • True Independence
    • There is no need to employ anyone. It is truly a one-person show. No marketing, No collections.
    • Cashing out your profits is simple and you will receive the money in your bank account within 3 to 5 days.
  • Income and wealth creation
    • Trading can provide income, provided you have discipline and a method. 
    • Portfolio building can create wealth, provided you have the patience and have selected the right stocks. 

The Good News is that Stock Marketing Investing is a Craft

Stock Market Investing is in a very interesting space between Art and Science. Say you think of it as a craft. There is a mix of knowledge and skill, a mix of art and science. And when we think of craft, we think of it as easier to learn, easier to practice and something that we can do as a hobby or as a vocation.  

If you are already gainfully employed then you can focus on building your wealth. If you want some extra income and have a few spare hours to do analyse with a good amount of discipline thrown in, then you can generate decent trading income. And if you want to do it full time, then it can be a sustainable source to generate income.

Consistency is the vital

The Stock prices move because of huge institutional activity. Institutions have solid research and technology to make profits.

So, while it may have sounded easy to make money in the market, money is made consistently only by the educated and disciplined trader (or investor, for that matter).

The open secret behind successful traders are very simple. Successful traders have a trading system, plan, strategy, discipline and rythym, creating an environment for successful trades to happen consistently. Stock Market trading (and investing also) follows the Pareto principle. 20% of your trades may account for 80% of your profits. 2 of the 10 scrips can be that multi-bagger that has generated wealth for you.

Consistent profits (with the focus on the system that gives you success) and success ratio is the key to income generation through trading.

Patience is another name for Portfolio building.  Picking the right stock is half the battle. The other half is buying it at the right price. And the third half (yes, indeed 3rd half) is holding it patiently. It is never too late to start. There are new opportunites to buy the mega star stock of the next decade, and also there are opportunities to buy the multi-bagger when they correct to reasonable valuations.

Education and Practice is the key to get consistent results.

An innocent trader asked the professional trader " Stock market losses are like weight loss isn't it ? I  would regain all of it and more as soon as I lose some !!"  Unfortunately, stock market is just a platform to redistribute wealth from the brave trader to the wisely patient trader. To keep the game running, there are times when the brave trader also wins.

An educated (in fundamental and/or technical analysis) and disciplined trader (or investor) has an edge over the underprepared retail trader who is punching in the  dark (punching orders I mean) and then wondering why some landed and rest did not. 

Shine the light of knowledge and skill (which comes with practice) and there is a higher possibilities that a majority of the trades succeed and those that succeed give returns that compensates for any losses made. 

And if you have passed on the responsibility of your portfolio building (and therefore your future life) to a tip giver or a recommendation service, then you can prepare yourself for a roller coaster ride where you are elated to see the paper profits and then stare at real losses. Or alternatively, you can educate yourself, do some homework and create your own future. 

How I can Help ?

I have been in the capital market and banking space in different capacities since 1988, close to three decades. My last assignement was working as a Director in a top 5 Global Investment Bank.  I have personally been through the punching in the dark phase and investing in random stocks based on tips. I made some money and lost some, but have been extremely lucky to have comeout without great damage.

Over the last few years, I have spent a lot of time educating myself (full time). I have discovered and or created practical tools and resources that one would need to effectively trade or invest. Needless to say, my 2+ decades in the capital market/banking industry has provided the solid foundation that was needed to build and teach these skills.

Apart from my own trading, I am keen to share my experience and methods with the larger community of seekers of financial freedom. Hence I founded the MPowerU Academy with the goal to help my co-travellers in the journey of financial freedom.

As a fellow traveller who has travelled this road slightly ahead of you, I have created different offerings that will equip you with what you exactly need. 

MPowerU Academy Offerings

I have learnt very early that Methods Make Profits. Methods beat intelligence and knowledge by a huge margin. And every successful trader and investor will vouch for this truth. They all have different methods to success .. note they have a method. And that is the key. What I do in my offerings is to share my methods so that you can benefit from my mistakes and start at a better place than I did.

Click on this link or any of the titles below for a more detailed information on the training courses.

A ticket to Financial Freedom... Are you ready?  

This a 90 minute free introductory session. In this I explain how a Financial Asset is different from other Asset classes and my approach to Stock Market Investing.

If you wish to schedule this for a group of friends or your colleagues at office, do reach out to me at 

Trading Yoga: Craft of Stock Picking for Building your wealth.

A one day paid program that will transform your perspective about stock picking forever.

You will learn practical methods to pick stocks, read financial statements, calculate fair value, learn about right entry and exit into stocks and how to manage the risk. In addition to the study material, you will receive excel template of my FIVEX Stock Analysis model and DCF method to calculate fair value.

A follow up 1 hour webinar to clear doubts and review concepts will be provided as bonus session. 

Trading Yoga: Trading Basics

A one day paid program that will equip you with candle stick chart analysis, using oscillators and indicators, position sizing and risk management. A short and quick preview of other chart types like Renko Charts and  Hienken Ashi Charts. As a bonus you will also learn 2 simple strategies that you can use to start your trading or investment.

A bonus follow up 1 hour webinar to clear doubts and review concepts will be held within a month from the date of the classroom session.

Trade Mentoring (Ideation stage)

An ounce of practice is worth more than tonnes of theory. I have attended many group mentoring webinars and it is indeed a great supplement to the learning that took place in the class room.

So, I am working  on a mentoring program for Trading Yoga Students which will be at the right pace for the beginner to understand the market dynamics and understanding trading signals from real strategies.

Contact Information 

You can contact me on my email to schedule a free introductory lecture or obtain information about the upcoming training batches. 


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